Muserver Louis Emulator Season 6 - Update19

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Muserver Louis Emulator Season 6 - Update19

Postado em 10/11/2022


//ChangeLog MuEmu by louis
//Muserver Season 4,6,8

- Add CustomMove
- Add Rei do MU Event
- Fix CustomJewel in Main
- Active MHP

- Add HpBonus System
- Add Kill Message System
- Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver
- Add MasterSkillTree Reset
- Fix Duel DC (s8)
- Fix Pentagram jewel(remove before put in ware) (s8)

MARCH 2017
- Fix Duel Trade (s8)
- Add Main Memory reduction
- Add Guard CustomMessage
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingDevilSquare
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingBloodCastle
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingChaos Castle
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingIllusionTemple
- Add Colunn WinScore_semanal in RankingDuel
- Add in DataServer update semanal colls

APRIL 2017
- Add BotBuffer System
- Add SD/HD bar in Character (S4/S6)
- Add Command Clear Inventory
- Active Encrypt in Client/Server.
- Fix Friend Message Title Inject (DataServer)

MAY 2017
- Add OpenWare Command
- Add SetVip Command
- Add Marry System
- Change HP/SD Bar Interface
- Fix BotBuffer Power
- Fix Store Dupe
- Fix Duel MinLevel

JUNE 2017
- Add Reload Command
- Add Reward Command
- Add ChangeClass Command
- Add OnlineLottery Event
- Add Disconnect User in GameServer Menu
- Add Start OnlineLoterry GameServer Menu
- Add OffStore and OffAttack count in GameServer Title Bar

- Add Itens Level +15 (Season 4)
- Add Info Command
- Add Change Name Command
- Add BanAcc Command
- Add BanChar Command
- Add DynamicEffect in Main (S4/S6/S8)
- Add Max Use Time in Attack command
- Add Option to disable Online User/GM Message
- Add Event Hide and Seek
- Add Event Run and Catch
- Add option to disable exp message on kill mob
- Change MaxCustom Wings to 100
- Fix Money remove when use ResetTable system.
- Fix Socket jewel aplly in no socket item
- Fix CustomEffect problems in Main.dll
- Fix remove BC,DS,IT invite
- Fix Skill elf on /attack
- Fix Clear Effects on change class
- Fix /store bless Crash (Season 6)
- Add Custom Summon on Kill Mob
- Evento Veloz
- /openevent /join
- Disable/Enable Skill Effect (Ex:Cyclone)
- Add Custom exp on Offattack and Autoreset

- Add MakeSet Command
- Add Drop Command
- Option to Remove Offstore/offattack in OnlineLottery
- Jewel of socket Aply in pentagram (Season8)
- ADD gift command
- Add Custom Quest System
- Add Russian Roulette Event
- Add Max Use Time in Store command
- New King of Mu Event
- Add Reward Coins in BC,DS,CC
- add /toprr /topmr etc
- Somente gm fazer o casamento
- Disable Wing Mix Class

- Remove Class in Main (RF,SU,DL)
- Custom Auto Quiz Event
- Need ticket to change name Option (S6/S8)
- Custom WingMix (Chaos Mix)
- Custom Death Message
- Custom Npc Collector (trade items per Coins)
- Readd point command
- Advanced Make itens (/make, /drop, /makeset)
- Custom Rank User System (S4,S6)
- Disable HP Bar of Monster or User Option
- Updated JoinServer to fix dupes
- Allow Pk enter in events (BC,CC,DS)

- New Gamserver Interface
- Message Box on Close JS, DS
- Option TimeToEnter in new events
- Show Duel Message (S4)
- Add Delay Option in Custtom Attack
- Add Delay to Use Potions in Custom Attack
- Add Auto buff em Custom Attack
- Attack command disable when set /attack again
- Add Custom Attack per Map
- Add Custom attack skill
- Add Auto Pick command
- PK drop
- On login disconnect online account
- Fix when kill Kundun in k6 move to k7
- Fix PcPoint Value (Season 4)

- Show time to start events in GS
- Start Blood Castle Option in GS menu
- Start Devil Square Option in GS menu
- Start Chaos Castle Option in GS menu
- Start Illu. Temple Option in GS menu
- New Procedures WZ_RankingBloodCastle
- New Procedures WZ_RankingDevildSquare
- New Procedures WZ_RankingChaosCastle
- New Procedures WZ_RankingIllusion Temple
- Combo skills for all class
- Enable Cs Skills in All Maps
- Add shop to buy vip
- Custom ranking in game
- New command /remaster
- New command /ajuda (help)
- New command /startbc (help)
- New command /startds (help)
- New command /startcc (help)
- New command /startit (help)
- Released 10 custom maps
- Released 10 custom bows/crossbows
- Disable Reflect Effect
- Auto reward run and catch event
- Auto reward hide and seek event
- Auto reward russian roulette event
- Auto reward quickly event
- Auto reward Online Lottery event
- Fix Set item drop in event item bag
- Fix Pc Point value 2 (S4)
- Fix Put Custom Wings in Chaos machine(S6)
- Fix RF skill Client Crash(S6)

- Print screen with logo
- RankUser by MasterReset or Reset
- Command/description system
- New Command.txt system
- Require coins to use commands
- New Command disablePVP
- New Command Lock/Unlock
- Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
- Fix duel level message
- Fix dead gates of custom mapas
- Fix Start Events crash
- Improvements events times
- /pick best performace
- Fix Open Multi-game lag

MARCH 2018
- New Command MoveAll
- New Command MoveGuild
- Event Time Window
- Commands Window
- New PvP Event(x1)
- New Event KillAll
- New Custom Menu
- BuyVip - Add vip types qtd
- Add triple shot skill in /attack
- Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp
- Update in events time in GS

MARCH 2018
- New Command MoveAll
- New Command MoveGuild
- Event Time Window
- Commands Window
- New PvP Event(x1)
- New Event KillAll
- New Custom Menu
- BuyVip - Add vip types qtd
- Add triple shot skill in /attack
- Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp
- Update in events time in GS

APRIL 2018
- Common Shop with Socket/Ancient Options
- Advanced ZenDrop System
- PcPoint Shop with Socket/Ancient Options(S4)
- Custom Store wich Cash/gold(S4)
- New Command /SetCoin
- New Command /Pack jewel
- New Command /spot
- New Command /startquiz
- New Command /startdrop
- New Command /startking
- New Command /startvt
- Custom Item Description(S4)
- Custom Sell/Buy Value in Common Shop
- Bloc word in change name
- Add MasterReset required in CustomMove
- Add New Dl/Elf Skills in /Attack
- CustomCombo improvements
- New Team vs team Event
- Removed RankUser in Chaos Castle
- Removed disabled events in EventTime
- Fix Kriss lag OK
- Fix RankUser Reward
- Fix HpBonus Descrease life
- Fix Reload Event time

MAY 2018
- Add Fog effect
- Add Smoke effect
- Custom disable effects
- New MiniMap
- Fix Kalima + OffPvp
- Fix CommandDescription with %
- Fix Store with time
- Fix Pack Jewels(S4)
- Fix Conqueror wing glow(S8)
- Fix Angel and Devil wing glow(S8)
- Fix visual skills in attack
- Fix Repair All in BlackSmith
- Fix DarkSpirit in Offpvp

JUNE 2018
- Add infinity arrow auto buff
- Add /attack auto resume
- Add Tvt Event Min/Max Users
- Add command notice if need coin to use
- Add Expire Date/Message in /banacc command
- Add Expire Date/Message in /banchar command
- Add auto remove ban
- Disable MiniMap with TAB (S6)
- Guild Warehouse
- Custom Monster/NPC
- Custom NPC name
- Custom Shops with same NPC
- Fix trade events with /re off
- Fix full zen bug trade+command
- Fix Gameserver maximize layout
- Fix PvP Event Respaw

JULY 2018
- Custom NPC move OK
- CustomCommandInfo (v2)
- Custom RankUser OverHead
- Custom Party Icon(s4/s6)
- Trade Value
- Party Disable PK
- New Anti SpeedHack Skill System
- Update TvtEvent new requistes
- Add Auto Heal Skill in /Attack
- Add Global Password System
- Option to show Rankuser in all places
- Option to Hide Reset in Rankuser
- Option to Hide MReset in Rankuser
- Option to Change MReset name in Rankuser
- Disable Party HpBar option
- Increase CustomShops to 100
- Fixes in custom buy vip windows
- Others fixes

- GS and GSCS new interface
- MasterReset remove fixed resets
- Command Start Invasion
- Command Start Custom Arena
- Custom Quest Command (v2)
- Custom EventTime (v2)
- Custom Npc Quest
- Custom Npc Name up to 100
- Custom Pick (v2)
- Add Custom Pick Excelent
- Add Custom Pick Socket
- Add Custom Pick SetItem
- Enable Lucky item trade
- Disable Duel Restore HP
- Disable Duel Restore SD
- Require Reset/MResets to enter in room
- Add Reset/MasterReset Requisite on Create Character
- Fixes in MapServerMove
- Other fixes

- Custom RF Gloves (S6)
- Custom Start Item
- Custom Interdace (S6)
- Speed SkillHack auto bloc account
- Add PK disable shop option
- Add PK disable trade option
- Add SummonMonsterRate in CustomMonster.txt
- Show ping in game option
- Show Fps in game option
- Stop Auto Reset when vip is over
- Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died
- Fix Custom CommandInfo (S8)
- Fix DL Summon Party Skill (PK)
- Fix Pk Item drop to PkLevel 3 only
- Fix BuyVip + CustomStore
- Fix GuildWareHouse + Lock command
- Fix Reset remove zen
- Fix OffPvp command in Events
- Fix RankUser in GameMaster
- Fix Start event option
- Fix in Disconnect Accounts
- Fix Npc Quest Add Buff

- Add Duel MaxScore Option
- Add CustomMove to CustomNpcCommand
- Add CustomExchangeCoin to CustomNpcCommand
- Add Pk Drop Item by map Option
- Add Berserker buff(SUM) in Custom Attack
- Auto Reward Online Users System
- Auto Party buff Mana shield in Custom Attack
- Custom Exchange Coin Command
- Custom Duel Bet
- Custom Mix
- Custom disable item glow
- Guils vs Guils Event
- Skill Summon enable PK Move Option
- MapManager.txt updated
- Skill Damage System
- Guild Assistant/Battle Master can get Cs Crown
- Fix S6 Duel Score with Custom Interface S1/S2/S3
- Fix update MasterReset/Reset in rank user
- Fix Master Reset check in Custom Move
- Fix Guild Warehouse Dupe

- Add GVG Event to Client Event Time
- Client Error logs moved to Logs folder (S6)
- Custom Bow/Crossbow (V2)
- Custom Gloves for RF(S8)
- Custom Pets System
- Disable Move List (M) Option
- Disable Set +15 Effect Option
- Increased Set items limite to 255(S6)
- Increased Item color Name(S6)
- Increased Custom Bow limit to 100
- Increased Custom Effects to 5000
- Increased Custom Item Description to 2000(S4)
- Increased Custom NpcName to 200
- Fix mini wing preview
- Fix Swith character when dying
- Fix Kalima ticket gate level
- Fix Set item drop rate
- Fix Party request when dying
- Fix GVG and TVT required item
- Fix Custom Gloves inventory position(S6)
- Fix War score + custom interface(S6)
- Fix Personal Store change item price
- Fix Custom Store close button(s6)

- Add Keep DL command status option
- Add Option CS Reset Accumulated Time when die
- Command OffPvP by Map
- Command Helper by Map
- Command SetParty
- Command Bloc Chat
- Custom Advanced Status
- Custom Increase FPS
- Custom Jewel Bank
- Custom Npc Requirement(VIP NPC)
- Custom Monster Power Table
- Custom Monster Information (Alt+Mouse Over)
- Fix Custom Interface + Crywolf Score(S4/s6)
- Fix Custom Interface + Cs Minimap (S4/s6)
- Fix Custom Interface Dark heaven skill position(S6)
- Fix Custom Item inventory turn on mouse over(S6)
- Fix mob movement when it is dying
- Fix Guild password (removed)
- Fix Ring Starter increase damage and speed attack
- Fix Battle Royale issues
- Fix Lucky Itens Options(S6)
- Fix CS gates damage when open
- Fix CS Statue/Gate attack by defensive guild
- Fix Party Special Experience
- Fix Summon ChaosMix (S8)
- Fix Custom Pet Dinorant type Fly Icarus/Tarkan
- Fix ChaosMachine+Expansion Invent problem(S6)
- Fix Master Scrolls without master level
- Fix Master Scrolls of Battle and Strength
- Increase GameServer performance
- New Resistence Calc System (Ring,Pendant)
- New Custom Pets Options
- Pets & Guardians no descrease life option
- Ranking GvG
- Ranking Battle Royale
- Update Character Damage Calc

- Auto Disable Custtom Attack Command when vip is over
- Auto Disable Custtom Pick Command when vip is over
- Auto Disable Auto Reset Command when vip is over
- Auto Disable OffPvp Command when vips is over
- Allow Mu Helper + Inventory Option(S6/S8)
- Boss Top Hit item drop count System
- Command Set PK
- Custom Npc Quest Reward LevelUpPoint and Zen Option
- Custom Quest Save Monster Count
- Custom Quest Reward LevelUpPoint and Zen Option
- Custom Pet New Moviment (V3)
- Custom Pet New Options (v2)
- Custom Pet Static Effect System
- Custom Pet Dynamic Effect System
- Custom Pet increased to 100
- Disable Die effect Option
- Disable Battle Royale item drop time
- Disable Time to Pick Up a dropped item option
- Disable CashShop Option (X) (S6)
- Disable Command Window (D) Option (S4/S6)
- Disable FullMap (Tab) Option (S6)
- Increased Custom Monster performance
- Increased Death Stab Skill performance
- Increased Mu Helper Max Time(S6/S8)
- JoinServer Updated to disconnect accounts
- Map by AccountLevel(Auto Move when vip is over)
- MonsterSetBase increased to 10000
- Rakilion(selupan) enable pvp option
- Trade By Map option
- Fix Custom Pet Dinorant type Fly Icarus/Tarkan(S6)
- Fix Battle Royale Trade
- Fix Summon Monster with Rank User
- Fix Custom Interface Numbers (S4)
- Fix Custom Interface favorite skill number (S4/S6)
- Fix Battle Royale DL command reset
- Fix Battle Royale Skins reset
- Fix TvtEvent Remove disconnected player
- Fix TvtEvent disable pvp in stand time

- Custom Cloak
- Custom Jewel Updated
- Custom NPC requeriment - Class
- Custom disable ItemGlow/Excellent Effect(S4/S6)
- Custom Disable Systems(S4/S6)
- Custom Pet Glow
- Combo Effect when die
- Command Jewel Pack & UnPack (V2)
- Death Stab Skill hit multiplier option
- ItemMove.txt Updated
- New Menu System (S4/S6)
- Marry Command pk can't move option
- Lock Command bloc cashshop gift
- Fix Plasma Storm Skill decrease defense/durability
- Fix Castle siege Teleport Skill Bugs
- Fix Battle Royale Increase Health Effect
- Fix Custom Pet Dinorant type Height (S6)
- Fix GvG move when get disconnect
- Fix Custom Jewel green slot on mouse over (S6)
- Fix Custom Quest issues
- Fix party byff crash (s8)
- Fix Remedy of love effect
- Fix Guardian Effect

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Informações do MuServer:

-Comando dos Players

/move - Mover para um mapa
/Post - Comunicação em chat global dentro do jogo.
/f - Adicionar pontos em força (sem relogar)
/a - Adicionar pontos em agilidade (sem relogar)
/v - Adicionar pontos em vitalidade (sem relogar)
/e - Adicionar pontos em energia (sem relogar)
/c - Adicionar pontos em comando (sem relogar)
/pk - Limpar o PK
/zen - Adquirir zen
/evo - Evoluir para 2º e 3º classe
/bau - Mudar de Baú
/reset - Resetar personagem (sem relogar)
/mreset - Dar Master reset
/war - Desafiar uma Guild para War
/soccer - Desafiar uma Guild para battle soccer
/re |on| |off| |auto| - Aceitar ou ignorar pedidos de party, trade, etc..
/limparinv - Limpar Inventário
/abrirbau - Abrir bau em qualquer lugar
/classe - Mudar Classe
/mudarnome - Mudar nome do char
/info - Informações do char
/participar - Participar de um evento
/queroir - Ir para um evento
/quest - Começar uma quest
/presente - Ganhar um presente
/top - Ver rankings
/readd- - Readicionar pontos
/resp - Enviar resposta para o Evento Quiz
/pick - Pegar itens automaticamente
/ajuda - Summon para ajudar upar
/remaster - Readicionar Master Skill Tree
/offpvp - Desativar PvP para o seu char
/lock [password] - Bloquear Mover/Vender/Trocar Itens
/unlock [password] - DesbloquearMover/Vender/Trocar Itens
/store [tipo] - Abrir store por joias
/offstore - Abrir Store Offline
/attack - Iniciar ataque automático
/offattack - Iniciar ataque automático offline
/pack - Criar pack de joias
/unpack - Desfazer pack de Joias

-Comandos de Administrador

/gmmove - Mover um player
/gmpost - Enviar mensagem global
/track - Ir até um player
/trace - Puxar um player
/disconnect - Desconectar um player
/fireworks - Soltar Fogos
/make - Criar um item
/skin - Mudar skin de um player
/setmoney - Dar zen a um player
/notice - Enviar mensagem global em todos os servidores
/hide - Ficar invisível
/setvip - Adicionar vip para uma conta
/marry - Casar players
/premiar - premiar um player
/premiarall - Premiar todos os players
/reload - Reload nas configurações
/banchar - Banir um char
/banacc - Banir uma conta
/abrirevento - Abrir evento
/veloz - Iniciar evento Veloz
/pegapega - Iniciar evento Pega-Pega
/escesc - Inciar evento Esconde-Esconde
/makeset - Criar um set
/drop - Dropar um item
/roletarussa - Iniciar evento Roleta Russa
/startbc - Iniciar Blood Castle
/startds - Iniciar Devil Square
/startcc - Iniciar Chaos Castle
/startit - Iniciar Illusion Temple
/moveall - Mover todos os players
/moveguild - Mover uma guild
/pvp - Iniciar evento PvP
/matamata - Iniciar evento Mata Mata
/starttvt - Inciar evento Team vs Team
/spot - Criar spot de monstros
/setcoin - Comando para adicionar ou remover moedas
/startquiz - Iniciar evento Quiz
/startdrop - Iniciar evento de Drop
/startking - Iniciar evento Rei do Mu
/startinvasion - Iniciar invasões


Chaos Castle
Blood Castle
Devil Square
Castle Siege
Castle Deep
White Wizard Invasion
Red Dragon Invasion
Golden Dragon Invasion
Kundun Kalimã
Skeleton King


Dark Wizard > Soul Master > Grand Master
Dark Knight > Blade Knight > Blade Master
Fairy Elf > Muse Elf > High Elf
Magic Gladiator > Duel Master
Dark Lord > Lord Emperor
Summoner > Bloody Summoner > Dimension Master
Rage Fighter > Fist Master

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Tutorial de Instalação

Requisitos para Instalação:

Sistema operacional: Windows 7 x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows Server 2012 x64
SQL 2008SQL 2012 ou SQL 2014
Memoria Ram: Mínimo 2GB
HD : Mínimo 40GB
Contrate seu VPS com Windows 2008 + SQL 2008 instalado
100% compatível com esse MuServer no site
Use o cupom portaldomu e tenha um desconto exclusivo!

1 - Restaurar Database

• Restaure a Database 'MuOnline' com o arquivo MuServer\DB\MuOnline.bak em seu SQL

2- Configurar IPs

- Altere o IP pelo IP do seu VPS nos seguintes arquivos:

• MuServer\ConnectServer\ServerList.dat
• MuServer\Data\MapServerInfo.dat (NÃO APAGUE A LETRA 'S' antes do IP!)
• MuServer\Tools\MAIN_INFO\MainInfo.ini
• MuServer\Tools\AH_INFO\ClientInfo.ini

3- Configurar senha do SQL

- Altere o texto SENHA-DO-SQL pela sua senha do SQL nos seguintes arquivos:

• MuServer\Tools\MuEditor\config.ini

4- Rodar ODBC

• Clique no arquivo de ODBC presente em MuServer\DB\
• Leia as instruções no arquivo '...LEIA!.txt' presente na pasta  

5- Liberar portas no Firewall do Windows

• Abra do CMD do windows copie o código abaixo e cole usando o botão direito do mouse > colar (NÃO PODE USAR O CTRL+V), para abrir as portas necessárias para rodar o MuServer:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="44405 (ConnectServer)" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=44405
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="55901 (GameServer)" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=55901
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="55919 (GameServerCS)" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=55919
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="55999 (Antihack)" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=55999

6- Gerar configuração do main.exe

• Clique no GetMainInfo-Premium.exe presente na pasta MuServer\Tools\MAIN_INFO\
• Copie o arquivo main.premium que será gerado em MuServer\Tools\MAIN_INFO\Premium\
• Cole o arquivo main.premium em seu cliente

7- Gerar configuração do AntiHack

• Clique no GetClientInfo presente na pasta MuServer\Tools\AH_INFO\
• Copie o arquivo ah.emu que será gerado em MuServer\Tools\AH_INFO\
• Cole o arquivo ah.emu em seu cliente

8- Ligar Servidor

O programa para ligar o Servidor encontra-se em MuServer/StartUp/Ligar Servidor.exe
Abra o programa, clique no botão de Play, e aguarde o servidor iniciar.

-O cliente encontra-se pré-configurado, por esse motivo você só precisa copiar para o cliente os arquivos main.premium e ah.emu
-Não é necessário fazer nenhuma alteração de IP direto no main.exe usando editores, se fizer alteração no main.exe o jogo não irá abrir devido a checagem de CRC. 

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(Clique na foto para ampliar e ver mais!)


takumi 12
Matrix Plugins
NH Servers
Portal do Mu


Downloads (1343):

MuServer Louis Emulator Season 6 - Update19:
Download: MEGA MediaFire
Cliente completo Season6.3 - Update19:
Download: MEGA MediaFire

Senha para extrair:

Curtir (35)

Tags: MuServer, Louis Emulator, Season6

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